wow, i can use the internet to read chinese in library, 

i meet Lucy again today and ask her the program for youth, 

but she said that the program just for adult... 

i dont have the dictionary to check, so its hard for me to read in the library, 

i went to the supermarket named food4less today

but i'm not interest it .... i just walked around and look around the shop near the supermarket 

i found the jack in the box, wenndy's, burger king, subway, applebee's, 

oooooops, all of them are fast food.... 

i ate my lunch in burger king, and choice the meal number4 

why i always think its too much for me, 

i felt full up just after i ate a burger, but the size is regular only.... 

i want to buy more shorts, but there is no store near aunty's home,

 i just know somewhere that i can buy is the outlet in Cabazon, 

it's too far, and just for brand, not really cheap for me, 

but i love the RL polo's shorts ....because it make me look thiner, hahaha 

but each one is USD29.99 (=NT900).... 

i have no place to go, everyday is library , library and just only library, 

How the boring life it is, i want to go to somewhere can make me learn more or practice english more, 

but adult school start on august 25th.... : ( 

i found the school has chinese system the nearest need to drive 51 minutes or more. 

it's in the other city, 

i send the email to ask them do they need the chinese teacher, 

but i think they won't be give me the answer i hope, 

because i just have vistor visa, and they are the China school...^^ 

baby uncle will come on thursday, the twin boys and vivian will come,too...

but the happiness is tiffany will back too, 

that means i can go somewhere not just only in Beaumont, 

today i talked with the bus driver, 

she ask me am i on vacation, and try to talked more, 

i will go to the community center and try to found  another opportunity tomorrow, 

i dont want to stay home everyday just waitting for adult school and library turtor....

(contiuned after i went home)

after i leave the library, i walked along the street that the bus will be stopped,

turn right on the 10th st., and walked two blocks or three and turn left on beaumont Ave,

but i found out the post office is on the right side,

so i went to ask something,

i ask them about the post card,

and how to send it ....something about the post card,

after i got the information ,

i walked along the beaumont ave.

along and along....

about  30min. i walked,

the bus was coming,

i'm on the 13th st.. im not sure how far if i arrive home,

so i take it,

but i saw the star bros after i take the bus soon,

it means if i walked, i will arrive home at 20 min. later,

but i take bus, it only spent 3 min. only

am i waste my 75 cent?= ="

but it's too hot if i walked home....

walk from library to home, i don want to try.....

library is on the 8th st. i walked to 14th st already....


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